Sunday, February 25, 2007

Still in the planning stages

We inherited a raised rabbit cage from my husband’s grandfather, but isn’t really in good enough shape to keep them secure, and it definitely isn’t big enough for the number we’ll wind up having. Right now, we’re using it as an isolation chamber for our stray cat.

I’ve acquired a few books over the past year or so:
Rabbits Yearbook
Rabbits Today
How to Build Animal Housing

Barnyard in Your Backyard

Raising Rabbits the Modern Way

Backyard Rabbit Book

Ideally, I’d like the smaller cages to be for the does and babies until they’re ready for a “general population” cage. I’m hoping to do something like a coop trailer (something to roll along the ground where the rabbits can graze and have a more “natural” experience. Since the does can be territorial, I may have to design a sectioned cage and/or have more than one.


Crunchy Chicken said...

Oooh. Rabbits. I can't wait to hear how that goes. I'd like to have rabbits in our backyard, but it gets kind of cold here in the winter.

What kind of rabbits are you getting? For meat or fur or both?

Marina said...

Hopefully for both, but that will depend on whether my husband is willing to deal with the fur part.

Part of the hutch design will incorporate some winterizing components so that they'll be OK during our 3-5 days of winter here.