Monday, April 16, 2007

For Phelan's Readers

I'm deeply sorry that I didn't get a chance to be on my computer long enough to tell you of our weekend.

I spent most of Saturday cleaning house (inside and out); P&D rolled in just as it was getting dark. We sped off with them to the New Orleans-style restaurant while their kitchen was still open. Dinner was delicious, but since Anthony hadn't napped that afternoon, we had to do a lot of juggling and appeasing.

When we got back, we put them to bed asap, as they'd had only 3 hours of sleep since Kansas. P and I woke up before the men got going, and by the time DH had made breakfast (while Dan installed their trailer lights) , it was an hour away from their departure time.

We had several delays, some due to the animals, others to trip logistics. They left here around 2:30. I will let Phelan tell you all about what they've brought back to KS.

[I'll update this after she's published her story--it's going to be a doozy]


Maggie said...
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Literacy-chic said...

Sorry for hijacking your blog, but I followed you here from Chris's blog because you live in Texas and have a child who had a UTI as a baby (my baby had one in 2006, at about 9 months), and then I saw this post, and my son's name is in the title!! How weird is that?