Thursday, August 09, 2007

Thursday 13 #2--13 Things I Have Learned Since Moving to Texas

Thirteen Things about Marina

After giving up on having a teaching career in California [as it turns out, I was off by only a few days, but that is another story], I packed a Ryder truck with the necessaries and my dog (my cat would be flown out later), and headed for Austin, a town that my therapist had recommended ("the Capitol Building has a great big goddess on top, how can you go wrong?"). I arrived just before Labor Day in 1996, and have not once regretted the move. Here are some things that I've managed to figure out in the past (nearly) 11 years (YMMV).

1. It's a good idea to "ma'am" or "sir" anyone in a position of authority, people in the service sector, and anyone older than yourself. Playing by their rules of politeness makes the exchange much more pleasant, and makes oneself less of a "rude Californian [in my case, obviously].

2. During the "summer" (which extends well beyond mid-June to mid-September, in both directions) months: hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. As good as it is for your skin and hair, the humidity won't replenish your insides.

3. Unless you live in the Panhandle, cull any sweater collection you've brought to 3: one black, one cream, and one of your favorite/most flattering color. You might need to wear each one once in any particular winter.

4. You really can brand yourself with your seatbelt latch in the summertime. Attach an icepack to that dangerous metal part while out doing errands.

5. Chiggers are pure evil, followed closely by fire ants, West Nile-carrying mosquitoes, and scorpions.

6. Mexican-style food is very different from the kind I had back home, and it is absolutely necessary to tell the server "no jalapenos", even though the menu may not mention them as an ingredient in your dish.

7. In Chinese restaurants, if you ask for "tea," they'll serve it to you iced. If you want it hot, say so.

8. If you tell a UT (Longhorn) graduate that you're an Aggie, it is in your best interest of bodily safety to quickly qualify "Davis Aggie--from California--not BCS sweartogod." The Longhorn may ask for proof, so it's a good idea to wear your ring, or carry an alumni card. Avoid wearing maroon, especially during football season. Don't believe me? Let me show you this seatbelt branding... *wink*

9. Use "y'all" properly--as a plural.

10. If you didn't learn real dance steps in your earlier years, figure them out ASAP; that "freestyle" you've been using since junior high looks like a seizure, and will be treated accordingly.

11. You can visit whatever ecosystem you're in the mood for--forest, beach, desert, etc.--without leaving the state.

12. 2 proper pairs of boots (work and dress) are essential. Stetson hat and leather duster are optional, but an exceptionally nice bonus.

13. Time spent finding the perfect BBQ sauce is well worth the effort. Attend as many competitions as your waistline can handle.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Andi posts 13 cool pictures.
2. Gal tells us about her 3 cats.
3. Frigga goes interactive with movies.
4. Nicole's getting ready for the new school year.
5. Carolan shares some very cool Celtic websites.
6. Amy remembers her college days.
7. tommiea lists 13 things sh'es done to her home since her husband deployed.
8. gattina shares 13 things one should never say during sex.
9. Janet gives us 13 of her favorite things that begin with the letter "W."
10. Linda shares 13 things she's learned about the blogosphere.

Never heard of this meme? Find out more here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Andi said...

Hahaha, great list! Sounds warm there, though. I don't think I could handle it ;-)

We also had our second TT today, so...

Andi ;-)

The Gal Herself said...

My best friend recently left Austin and he loved it, loved it, loved it! Gotta share your comment about the sweaters with him.

Rebecca said...

Good list, makes me want to go and visit!

Happy TT13 - mines up at

Nicole Austin said...

LOL! Great list. Many of those apply to Florida too.

Happy TT!

Carolan Ivey said...

[[During the "summer"]]

I've heard there are four seasons in TX - Almost Summer, Summer, Still Summer, and Christmas. :)

Enjoyed your TT! My husband is a Buckeye and travels to TX often. He and the Aggies down there have a good time poking fun at each other.

Unknown said...

You have learned a lot! Neat list!

Marina said...

Andi--thanks for stopping by! Welcome to Blogland!

Gal--please do!

Frigga--I have to take a break from the computer, but I'll be back to go answer your movie questions.

Nicole--I figured that TX wouldn't be the only state for many of these!

Carolan--Those labels sound about right. This is the first year in my memory that Almost Summer has been so long.

Amy--Thanks! It's good to blend in down here :D

tommie said...

very cute list....I am about an hour from Austin! I also went to school at the University of one shares my love for crimson and cream around here!

Thanks for visiting my TT.

Ingrid said...

I only know you have an awful accent there and it's very hard for me to understand a word, lol !

Janet said...

Good list for Austin! I visited there a couple times...this yankee chick couldn't live there, but it's a nice place to visit!

Linda R. Moore said...

I have finally got round to visiting this and it's great! I absolutely do not understand a single word of #8 though. ;)

I just added your rss to my reader, and put this blog on my blogroll. :)