Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hardware failure

I'm awaiting the arrival of a serviceman from the wastewater company we've a contract with for quarterly maintenance. According to DH, the compressor to our system has gone out. I'm not sure yet [update: about $250] how much thhis will set us back, but I think it's safe to say that it will be another month before I can replace my old dresser (which my son is using now); I'm sure that DH is looking forward to having the other half of his available again.

Update: The serviceman is here now with his son (looks to be about 5). He's rebuilding the compressor (glad that's an option--a brand new one would cost a lot more), and should be done in about a half hour. I gave the boy carrots to feed to the donkeys, and he's very excited about doing that. Assuming the sheep will stick close by (I did throw some hay out as motivation--do you think that will work?), he should also be able to get a good look at them.

Further update: The compressor is all fixed, and we're good to go! I'm glad we didn't have to wait very long to continue with our normal water-use... routine.


Phelan said...

glad it is fixed

Sister Big said...

My A/C went out during a bad heatwave a few weeks ago. I feel for you with the unexpected home repairs.

Marina said...

phelan--same here! This is one of the least fun things to have out of service for long.

sister_big--We've had the fan burn out on our a/c a few times in the summer, so I know exactly what you were going through.