Saturday, March 03, 2007

Well, I have most of the ingredients

but not enough time and money, and almost not enough energy.

We have the acreage (11.6 acres), but much of it is covered with water-hogging cedar. That has to be cleared and shredded (we’re under a burn ban, and we’re not seeing an end to the 3-year drought) before we can add any more large animals, or the orchard for that matter.

We also need to build more animal shelter (ideally a barn, but may have to settle for temporary lean-tos for the sheep and donkey), and we need a better-designed chicken coop.

Our ideal farmstead will have the following components:

  • garden (herbs, vegetables, gourds, berries)
  • orchard (fruit, almonds)
  • poultry (meat, eggs)
  • sheep (meat, wool)
  • rabbits (meat, pelts)
  • milk cow (various dairy products, bred for meat source)

Everything will be on a small scale until I get some time back from the child-raising. We currently have one raised bed for gardening, but I want at least two more so that we can grow enough to put up for the winter months, and possibly start a subscription service for our city friends.


Phelan said...

Right on Marina. the little one is growing up so fast!

Marina said...

I know...soon enough he'll be learning to drive his grandpa's tractor.


Maggie said...

Hope that little one is not doing all the clearing himself!!! Linked here from Phelan's site but I will keep checking back looks like an interesting journey ahead of you.

Marina said...

Of course not! He'll start with his play area, and work out from there.


I've a lot of catching up to do, hope I can keep it interesting.